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“from latin”
Units related to:
“from latin”
(From Latin: "to, toward, a direction toward, an addition to, near, at"; and changes to: "ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, aq-, ar-, as-, at-" and ad- is also combined with certain words that begin with the letters c, f, g, l, n, p, q, r, s, and t.)
(Greek > Latin: bambacium, "cotton fabric"; from bombax, "cotton"; from Latin, bombyx, "silk, silkworm"; from Greek, bombux, "silkworm")
(Modern Latin: chemical element; from Latin, beryllus, and Greek, beryllos, gem; metal)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; from Latin, calx, calcis, lime; metal)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; from Latin, caesius, bluish gray; sky blue; metal)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; from Latin, cuprum, referring to the island of Cyprus; metal)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; from Latin, fluere, to flow; gas)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; from Latin, indicum, indigo [a blue Indian dye]; metal)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; from Latin, Magnesia, a district in Asia Minor; metal)
(Modern Latin: from Latin, silex, silicis, "flint"; nonmetal)
(Latin: rotondo, rotundus; round, rounded; from Latin, rota, "wheel")
(Latin: one and a half; normally used as a prefix; from Latin, semis “half” + que “and”)
(Greek > Latin: suffix; from French -aque, or directly from Latin -acus, from Greek -akos forming adjectives. This suffix was used to form names of arts and sciences in Greek and it is now generally used to form new names of sciences in English; meanings, "related to, of the nature of, pertaining to, referring to")
(an etymological approach to learning more about English words; especially, those from Latin and Greek origins)
(a different kind of vocabulary lexicon that emphasizes English words primarily from Latin and Greek origins)
(Greek: chemical element; antimonos, opposed to solitude; symbol Sb is from Latin stibium [powdered antimony]; some say antimony means, “a metal seldom found alone”; metal)
(Anglo-Saxon: gold, Sanskrit juel, to shine; the symbol is from Latin aurum, shining down; metal)
(Anglo-Saxon: iron, the symbol is from Latin ferrum which also means iron; metal)
(the space-age generation continues to utilize terms from Latin and Greek origins)
(Latin: a round body, a ball; round, a sphere; the earth; "sphere" came from Latin globus, "round mass, sphere"; related to gleba, "clod, soil, land". Sense of "planet earth," or a three-dimensional map of it, appeared first in 1553)
(Hebrew, jobel, literally, "ram"; from the ram's horn with which the year of celebration was proclaimed; from Latin jubilaeus (annus), "year of jubilee".)
(Spanish: diminutive of mosca, "fly" or "little fly" from Latin musca, "fly")
(Italian: very small or from Spanish, "beak, tip, very small"; and from Latin, beccus, beak; also, a decimal prefix used in the international metric system for measurements)
(plagiarize comes from Latin plagium which meant "kidnapping")
(learning English words from Latin and Greek elements)
(from Latin vates, seer, prophet; sooth-sayer; prophesy, prophecy; which should not be confused with Vatican, "Pope's palace in Rome" or Vaticanism, "doctrine of papal supremacy and infallibility")
(seeing English words in three vocabulary quiz types from different perspectives for a greater enhancement of English-word skills)
(English-Vocabulary Words from Latin and Greek Units Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes that Every Advanced-English Speaker and Reader Should Know)
(an abundance of Word Information about English Vocabulary derived from Latin and Greek sources)
Word Entries containing the term:
“from latin”
Vocabulary Quizzes: English Words from Latin and Greek Origins
Lists of Vocabulary Self-Scoring Quzzes and Tests; another approach to learning English words.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Special Contents of Interest
(page 4)
Vocabulary Quizzes: English Words from Latin and Greek Origins
An index of a variety of self-scoring Vocabulary Quizzes, from word units.